Went "fish feeding" last Tuesday :p Feeding fishes with your feets MUAHAHA. I guess its kinda famous now with this fish spa thingy lately. It's the first Fish Spa ever in Penang and its kinda new to Penang people but not to KL people I guess hehe.
I can't recall the actual name of the Fish Spa cos I just so happened to went New World Park and saw it there. They were having promotion till 18th June so just would like to give it a try :p But hell, its not cheap also ler the promotion price RM18 per pax for 30mins :S After 18th, it'll be RM28 per pax for 30mins...DAMN.
Oh well well, did shoot some pics when I was there. They have a slogan saying "guaranteed for your laughters" or something haha. Yea I can imagine that, I am one person who scared of tickling to the max. So that was kinda challenging for me too. How if i can't stand the tickling?? My RM18 will just be wasted?? hehhhh.
Alright, wash your feet before you start "feeding" the fishes. Else your "hongkong feet" would murdered the pool of tiny little fishes kakaka.

Okie dokie, dried your feet and take your seat. Ready...get set...soak your feet into the pool waahaha. Cheeessseeee

And hell, I can say it was right IMMEDIATELY after your feet dip into the pool...the one whole bunch of tiny lil fishes would came attacking you...yes it was one whole bunch of fishes :p I felt tickling to the max and I kept shaking my feet to chase them away LOL. But think of my RM18, I just tahan and tahan and tahan :p
The owner tipu eh..she told us we'll only feel the tickling for the 1st 5min. But I still felt it alot after 15mins ler -.-" But lucky I was not the only one who shouted there, it was quite full that day and there were some gals screaming like hell also a guy sitting next to us was screaming...damn funny haha. Compared to them, I see myself as controlling quite well :p Look at the bunch of fishes, I stil have the tickling feel whenever I see them.

A guy sitting next to me "curi-curi" soak his hand into the pool. They got put the sign saying "only feet allowed in the pool" But oh well...he got caught anyhow and was asked to removed his hand from the pool wahahhaa.

Our 30mins session ended and their staff will come and remind you :p And so how did I actually feel?? Overall it was quite fun...when the tickling finally faded I felt like slight electricity shock on my feet when they were biting your dead skin cells haha. It was some kinda messaging as well :) But too bad when I started to felt comfy, it was the time where our session almost ended too. But, we can't soak too long in the pool too, else your skin n feet gonna sure bengkak haha. Also, lucky I didn't see any fish "floating" by the time we finished kakaka.