Shop 1
Sales: No such thing lar...we oni have USB to PS2 dun have PS2 to USB.
Me: (lookin at the packing hanging at the rack) -.-" umm, its the same rite??? cos i see the head is correct!!!!!
Sales: no lar no can oni connect from USB to PS2.
Me: Oh well. OK then. thanks anyway -.-"
Shop 2
Sales: such thing. PS2 kenot connect to USB eh. cos fast device can convert to slow but slow device kenot convert to fast one (talkin while showing his "like very can" eh face as if I am one stupid PC dummy) blablabla...
Me: alright. fine. thanks.
Haloo..when I started to use a computer those 'kido' might still be sucking their milk bottle okay :p I that old?? muahaha. I didn't wana give up so after work I went to 1-stop to hunt for it. TADA I found it :D EXACTLY THE SAME ONE AS I SAW IN QB ishhhh. RM14 each :s I guess for this price I might be able to get a USB keyboard already. But well, I don't feel like getting another while I have one sleeping at home for 4yrs and one in office :p
:p I know this sounds like a crazy/speechless act kakaka.
LOL...u guys, what wif the funny comments =P
maybe consider a cordless keyboard from A4Tech or Logitech... superb..!
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