Thursday, June 21, 2007

Chili's finally in Penang...

Hohohohohoh..this is already my 3rd post of the day :p Well, this is me...not even one when lazy and a few coming at the same time when in the mood and feel like writing..kekeke.

Went Chili's yesterday...the very first Chili's in Penang :D Tried it before in KL and love it soooo much. Now I can go anytime when I am craving for the food there....wohohohoh. BUT I think once a month or two would already cost me enough...cos anyway it's not cheap :p Well, too much of it might caused poor people like me to turn pokai HAHAHA.

It was so full yesterday night..hmmm, thought that it won't be that full on weekday but well, it's new in penang..and it's a norm for people to go try out a new place :) We were there around 7pm and all the tables were occupied. So, we were asked if we would like to put our name in the waiting list and we might have to wait for about 20 minutes for our name to be called. Oh well, since we feel like eating mah wait lor. So we went walk around window shopping in Gurney Plaza and by the time we went back to Chili's it's already our turn..hehe, so ngam...good good. We didn't really wait for very long to be seated and it was not very long for our food to be serve as well :D OR we were just so into our Bottomless Chips with Salsa sauce and busy taking pictures that time actually flies..wahahhaa.

Basically the food we can get from the menu is somewhat similar to TGIF...but if I was to choose, I would still prefer Chili's. I just love Chili's :p

*Burp Burp* Awwwww.. another heavy dinner night. How to slim down wor if continue to eat like this..hehhh, I just love the food and cant seems to control my desire for food..Sobz Sobz.

Also, not to forget..we met alot friends there..hahaha

Chili's Chili's I WILL BE BACK !!! wohohoho


After *Burp*

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