Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Appreciate peoples beside you..a word from my best friend

Not in any mood to write anything recently...still emo, still negative thinking but it's getting a bit better I guess. These few days went dinner with a few friends from my team..went lepak to temporarily throw our frustration on work aside..although just that one hour but it is the most happy hour we have for each day..wahahaha. Well, what is more better than don't have to think of work right..hehe.

One of my friend..hehe, one member of my dinner gang. She is really funny and talking to her will make you laugh till roll on the floor and burst tears. Yesterday and today she really made me laugh till i felt like breathless. Guess these two days were the only time where I really laugh my heart out. She told me "I really love to see you smile..cos you are so cute when you smile!!" Am I? haha...maybe. Cos she's not the only person told me this :p paiseh

OK, come to my main topic. Recently heard of a bad news from my best friend. Her mum is not feeling well and she told me she's so afraid to lost her mum. I am so worried about her..but she is very strong and I know she can make it. She told me to appreciate peoples beside you while you can..which is your family. Yes, our will never leave you no matter what happen. They are the closest peoples in your life whom you live with be with since you were borned. they hold on to you when you are sad when you are happy when you are sick....and so and so. Her words made me realise that I must love and appreciate my family more starting from today while I still have the chance to do it..although I already love them very much..hahaha. So, i told myself today, why do I wana be emo and sad about those unhappy stuffs. Being emo doesn't help anything but just making your life miserable..and you gain nothing from it. Well, all those unhappy stuffs just treat it as bad dreams u had and just left them behind..

Hoping all the best for my best friend and her mum..and not to forget my family and all the friends beside me :)

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