Sunday, February 1, 2009

Life or Death

Yesterday I witnessed something I never seen before through out my life, something carved pretty deeply in my mind...we might have seen enough of road accidents and most of the time I chosen not to see if possible. But not yesterday, I had no way to avoid and I couldn't close my eyes...cos I was driving and it was just right in front of my eyes.

I was driving out from Ipoh heading home...right after the Ipoh Toll, there were some road constructions there. I was slowly speeding up as there were some cars in front queueing up. Out of a sudden, I saw a car in front flying up high and turning in the air...yes flying up high above the other cars (I can't think of any other word to describe it). It was about 8 cars beyond me. My brain was all blank that moment and what I knew was only screaming. The car turn one round in the air, hit the center divider then turn another round with flames came out from it then dropped on the construction site. All of us behind got pretty shocked and scared and slow down. Some of the cars stopped aside, wondering should they go and help. The car's engine was still flaming when I past by. I didn't stop and I dare not stop and I didn't want to further congest the traffic and I slowly drove away. That moment I hope and I pray that the people inside is doing fine. We couldn't see how many people was in there and we didn't know how he/she/they doing as the car was slanted the other way...all we could see were the tires and the damaged engine.

I flipped through the newspaper today first thing in the morning, hoping to see some news about it but there is none. Another thing lucky is, the car didn't fall and drop backwards. Else there would be more victims as there were quite a number of cars right behind...

All is hope now is for the people in the car to be safe...

UPDATE: And...something even more horrible is when I told someone about it. That person asked me "did u take pic?? did u take video" and not "how do u feel now? r u doin alrite?" Now I know how much that person actually "cares" WTF


deepak said...

aise man... i was going to ask if u got do any fast and furious moves urself or not??

jadephoenix said...

hey girl.. i know how you feel.. coz i witnessed an accident which happened just 20 meters away from me near De Santia one night while on my way to work last time.. the car was on the other side of the road and was pretty fast, not sure if it lost control and slammed right into one of the objects by the road and the car 'flew' in front also.. that time was nearly 11pm and not many cars, i didn't know what to react, I braked near Mansion 32 but dare not stop entirely, scared there are cars behind me, and after i gasped and closed my mouth, I frantically reached for my hp and called 911 and reported the accident, and asked them to send ambulance right away.. even when I talked to them my voice was trembling... and my speech was also blur and very distorted... when I reach office I had to sit down a while before I can start working.. it was a horrible experience indeed

take it easy girl....

limfy said...

i was brain dead wei tat, no fast n furious act sori =P

yea really horrible to witnessed such thing. Today i witnessed another one..the car just right in front of me somemore is the wedding 'hengtai' car...nothing serious thank goodness..
hehhhh better find a day go paipai liao =P