Sunday, May 4, 2008

Ironman...damn yau yeng

Went for the movie Ironman last Wednesday..went for the premier, my first time ever as I am always dilemma of packing with the crowd. I always prefer to watch when there's less people as less people would have less disruption. But this round a friend invited us to watch it together and he offered to buy the ticket so why not :p its been a while since the last time i went movie with a whole big gang ..its fun though and its a different feeling :)

I wasn't expecting much for this movie before i watch it but, i have just one word after i watched it. I LOVE IRONMAN and i really enjoyed and love watching it so much :p I can considered it the best movie ever among the movies I've watched in 2008. Maybe because the main actor wasn't entao enough for my liking at first :p I was thinking "huhh, why they chosen an uncle to be the superhero...hehhh"

Now...I think he's damn yau yeng. Although he's not as entao as Keanu Reeves or Brad Pitt wakakaka. Well, since i was young I always admire and have more interest for those mature+entao guy like Richard Gere muahahahha :p

Well, if you love watching superhero movie as much as I am ..go watch it!! Ohhhhh, I just love it :p


cmei said...

i also tot he's juz another old man..tapi after watch him in action, suddenly feel that he's quite yau yeng! :D

limfy said... glad that u have the same thought as me :p i think maybe alot ladies out there have the same thought too wohohoho

SanctuaryDeScorpio said...

Yeah, u r rite~ I like the most on the High-Tech thingy... although i dont really understand what he means...but don't understand mean "Geng" d... And for da uncle also "Yeng" when he is inside the iron suit. :@