Friday, January 11, 2008

Misty Super Tanker ??

Went Super Tanker last week. And wow, there were a bunch of people standing at the back of the hawker center. And i in Genting?? since when Penang can be misty :p What happened to Super Tanker??? :o

As we were wondering what's going on..we heard different different version of story from those "witnesses". "Pan cake stall terbakar hior" "gas pao char" -.-"

The actual story is - the stall selling "chi cheong chok" duno cook till water dried out or wat then on fire..HEHHH. So, here goes the story of Misty Super Tanker :p And one more joke, when the satay stall started fire to pangkang satay...people said "Ohhh, satay stall terbakar" WAHAHA


George Yew said...

-.-" stay joke also wan to share with ppl meh.

limfy said...

i like ahhh..its my blog..i can write whatever i wana write..Booooo :p