Oh finally I get to try this soap which I've long read about its many good reviews on how well it helps clearing many's problematic/oily/acne/clogged pores skin =P Many thanks to
Datuk Chu who's kind enough to get it for me all the way from States hehe =P
Here, its the first time I've ever seen a soap being wrapped this way lol...looks like wrapped in an old newspaper haha. So, how it actually looks like *WARNING* it looks weird/ugly LOL

TADA...weird ey!! told u haha. Looks like a charcoal ey. It doesn't only look weird BUT it smells WEIRD too -_-" I was expecting something maybe smells like a charcoal?? But guess what...I personally feel it kinda smells like urine...you get me right URINE iuuuuuuuu how on earth am I gonna use it on my face O.o But if it works for me I wouldn't mind =P

Also, what with the weird shape of the soap!!!! According to Datuk Chu...when he initially asked for the soap in the
Lush store, the salesperson brought him one big round piece of black color thingy saying "here, this is the Coalface soap you're requesting" Imagine...black color soap which looks the size of a pan of cheese cake Errrrrrrrrr...Guess how much they're selling for that one big piece of charcoal-lookalike thingy?? USD54 for 1 pound GOSHHHHH
So, what you're seeing here is actually a piece of it..haha like how you normally cut your birthday cake into pieces. They will cut exactly how big chunk you want then measure the weight and calculate the price based on the weight. Interesting right =D

Another interesting part of it, I found this sticker at the bottom of it. Wow, they even let you know who made this piece of soup and when it's made *Great* Oh btw, all their soaps are handmade =) Well well how could this ugly black piece of thingy with awful smell be so interesting haha..
The actual size of it on my palm. This piece of thing costs me around USD9 which is around RM32. Pricey I know...this is considered pricey to people in the States too (Their stuffs are normally cheap and affordable so a small piece of soap selling at USD10 is considered pricey...WTF I am emo again, nothing's cheap here. Petrol price increasing again WTF) Calm down calm down *namo namo ommmmmmmmmm*

But well, if this piece of thing works well for me...it's worth every penny spent =D opss, i made short story long again...why lah so popomama me...gee