Thursday, March 6, 2008

Support them

First and for most, I am so so so so sorry and regret that I didn't go and get myself registered as a voter earlier. And now it's been too late for it..i missed it :( Yes its only 1 vote..but this 1 vote might meant a lot for those who need it..those who really need our support and those who are fighting for our rights.

I really salute them as they could have choose to make their own life easier by joining the gang...enjoy their life with the benefits they would have get by joining the gang..but instead they are fighting for our rights...I promise myself I will surely go and exercise my right for the next election.

One thing i realised..that lots of ppl around me who are qualified haven't registered themselves as voter too...are they already giving up..are they just don't care..are they planning to migrate as what a lot ppl is doing?? For what ever reason that is...I realised I need to give those who need our support the support.

All the best to them...

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